New Venture – Writing A Parenting Book

Filed under [ Parenting ]

Sorry to have been MIA for the past month.  As I began writing my last blog, which was going to follow up on the Transcending Fear one, I was gripped by a compulsion to write about parenting.  I am not sure why.  Maybe it’s the insecurities and fears present with all the parents I am currently working with, and/or maybe it’s because I have been having a nagging urge to write this book for over three years now.

Whatever it was, I got derailed into, Its time to write this book!

You may ask yourself, “Do we really need another parenting book?”  My answer is absolutely yes.

This book will be like no other parenting book.  It will teach parents how to raise their children to become the next generation human.

It will provide parents with tools based on established psychology, new breakthroughs in neuroscience, and the wisdom of spirituality to shape and steward their child’s development into a joyful, compassionate individual, grounded with a clear sense of self and purpose.

Simultaneously, this book will provide tools for parents to rewire their own brains as they gain insight into and mastery over the machination of their mind.

One of the reasons I have not written this book already is because I did not feel confident in my writing style.  I did not believe that I could communicate my knowledge and present the information in a way that would capture and enlighten parents in the way I would want it to.  So when both my son, Leor, and my beloved, David, independently suggested that I should hire someone to help me write this book, I jumped at the idea.

I have spent the past month looking for this writer.  With the help of my friend Fern, who is a great writer in her own right, miraculously, I found Jeff.  I say miraculously because he fits my fantasy of who I would have ideally wanted.

I have decided to blog my process for two reasons:  I believe that it would be an interesting journey to experience from inception to conclusion, and  I would love to hear from you.


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2 Comments on “New Venture – Writing A Parenting Book”

  • Joanne
    25 May, 2010,

    I’m ready to read your book. Would you please make the first chapter for age 16….

  • ronit
    26 May, 2010,

    I know how you feel. I think most parents of teenagers would make the same request:-)
    You already have so many tools. Just remember to take a deep breath before you react and ask yourself “Is what I am about to say or do going to forward anything?” If not, wait until you cool down and then respond to the situation from a grounded space.

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