Gratitude – Ram Dass

Filed under [ Relationship ]

The AWARENESS iPhone app will be completely ready by tomorrow and will be submitted to Apple for approval on Monday. Our release date is now November 16th.

It has been a long journey, one that has been supported by many dedicated people who stuck with the process in spite of many daunting moments.  I would like to particularly acknowledge David, Leor, Mark and Phil for your remarkable patience, support and amazing talents. I am so blessed to have you in my life.  Thank you.

My greatest commitment now is to expose as many people to its potential emotional and spiritual transformational value.

Looking back on my own journey, there are two individuals I would like to acknowledge for the significant role they played in my emotional and spiritual development: Ram Dass and Wayne Dyer.

I will focus this blog on Ram Dass and will write about Wayne Dyer in my next blog.  I have been a student of Ram Dass since 1985.  My first encounter with his heart and soul was through his book, How Can I Help (Paul Gorman was a Co-author).  This book came into my life at a very critical and tragic time when I was considering committing suicide.  I had lost my best friend to ovarian cancer and I fell into a severe depression.  I was a single parent at the time, literally paralyzed with despair and hopelessness.   I would take care of Leor as he needed, but the rest of the time I spent in bed crying.  The book came into my life in a very bizarre way.  After three weeks of this, a friend of mine, Jim, determined to get me out of bed and shake me out of my depression, came over to my home and forced me to get dressed and go for a drive with him.  Reluctantly I obeyed since it took less energy to go along with him than to fight.  He made me tell him where he should turn the car right or left and when to go straight.  I honestly was not looking at where we were going and just mumbled the words as they came into my mind.  To make a long story short, we ended up parking by some bookstore in Roslyn, Long Island.  Neither one of us had ever been there.  He dragged me out of the car and forced me to go up some stairs.  When we entered, he just pulled me from one aisle to another while he browsed through the shelves.  He was much taller than me and as he pulled a book from a shelf above me, another book fell, hitting me in the head then landed on the floor.  He bend down to pick up the book and without a beat handed it to me saying, “This must be for you!”  I looked down and the words, How Can I Help touched me on some deep level. I turned to the back cover to read.  I was struck by how the message hit me as if it was intended for exactly what I was going through.  At that moment I knew I was being guided and I needed to read this book.

After reading the book, I became a devoted student of Ram Dass, reading his other books and attending his retreats at Omega institute.  His simply profound teachings, which came through great story telling, wit and humor, widened my vision and deepened my heart.   It gave me a new perspective on how I could be more peaceful in my own life and greatly influenced my work with clients.

As I reflect on where I am in my life right now and the impending release of AWARENESS, I am once again humbled and awed by the incredible gifts we human beings can be for each other.  Thank you Ram Dass.  Your work lives through me and all the many others you have touched.

It seems to me that life is about creating ripples.  The larger the ripple, the more people we touch.

For those of you reading this blog, may your lives be filled with ripples.


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