Questions for you?

Filed under [ Self, Parenting ]

PssstPssst … you … yes, you! I have a question to ask you. How does reading this blog affect you?

I have been asking this question to several of my readers.  Some of you have been enjoying them, some have been moved by them and others have found them interesting.  I would like to speak to those of you who have found them enjoyable and/or interesting.  Does this blog touch you in some meaningful way and make you think?   Do you see or hear yourself?  Do you apply this information to your life?

The reason I am asking these questions is because I believe understanding how your mind works — what makes you tick — is the most important thing one can dwell on if you are seeking to understand yourself better.  Socrates said, “An unexamined life is not worth living.”  Now this may sound harsh, but stop to think about what he meant.  If you don’t reflect on your life, who are you? why are you? how are you being? what is it all about?  If there is no sense of purpose and ownership of your life, toward what end are you alive?

I invite you to read this blog from a space of “What can I learn about myself today?” and after reading the blog, perhaps sit with it for a few minutes and reflect on how it applies to your life.  You may want to leave a comment or ask a question.  The idea is to engage in this process as if your life depends on it.  After all, really, what is more important than you working on discovering yourself and learning how to be free, authentic and true to who you came here to be?  You may discover that you are not merely a reactive individual who was programmed by his parents and society before you had much to say about it.

I promise you that if you choose to learn more about yourself and commit to discovering you who really are, your life will be greater than you imagine it could be.


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4 Comments on “Questions for you?”

  • Joanne
    29 June, 2010,

    I have been extremely busy and haven’t been reading your blogs. Then, this morning I decided to read and “smack” you got me. Thank you. There is more than day-to-day work and I certainly always want to b true to myself.

    Please continue the blogs and I, for one, will continue to read and grow.

    PS Love the chatty ladies sculpture

  • ronit
    29 June, 2010,

    Thank you for sharing. I think there are many people in your situation that feel that they don’t have time or even if they read it are not taking the time to let it sink in and see how it can make a difference in your day, in your relationships with yourself and others.

    Since you have not read some of the past blogs, you may want to read the one called, “I don’t have Time”
    It sounds like it would help you put some things in perspective.

  • Barbara Hasan
    29 June, 2010,

    My first reaction to your blog is “this is so true”, yes- I think that, I feel that , I can learn more about

    this. I recognize areas where I am stuck. I’m reminded to stop and connect to what my life is really

    all about. I remember reading about a reporter asking Gandhi for a message for the newspaper and

    Gandhi replying “My life is my message” Your blogs help me move along.

  • 22 August, 2011,

    I usually don’t have the pleasure to meet a blogger before I’ve read or heard any of her works. Yet in New York City chance park-bench small talk leads to reading on how to know oneself more emotionally through your interesting writings, and to practice your message: I’ll eventually read the sweet book you recommended “The Brain that changes itself “; I’ll buzz around your blog, and I’ve read some of the articles and tap the picture gallery; as soon as I’ve time, too, since in the city the pace is fast; I hope to learn more and really make myself better at my age, thank you Ronit for your sound advice and blog and the book.

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