
  1. Help them feel safe to speak openly and freely
  2. Hear each one in a way that s/he feels completely understood and “gotten” by me.
  3. Remove the blocks around their hearts by showing them how each has his/her own emotional subjective perspective, and give them the tools to hear and feel each other
  4. Build safety and trust between them by teaching them how to communicate with patience, care and compassion
  5. Engage them in practices which will support and build upon their sense of partnership and unity

Men’s and Women’s Brains

Let’s have some fun today. You have read some serious stuff about the brain and the mind in many of my blogs, and in one of my articles, we are sexual beings, you may have read about the differences between men’s and women’s brain structures.  Here’s a fun take on the same topic: [youtube]xxtUH_bHBxs[/youtube] It’s []


Being With What IS – Part II

Another chord struck, so it seems appropriate to expand upon this blog topic. I did not mean to imply that it is easy being with what IS. Yes there are times, like when you can’t find the right shoes or a parking spot, that we can let things flow better, depending on our mood. But []


Filed under [ Relationship ]

Japanese AWARENESS Is Here

It is finally complete!!  It’s taken a lot longer than we expected (doesn’t everything), but we are proud to announce that AWARENESS is now available at no cost in Japan. As many of you know, AWARENESS was designed to help you become more connected to yourself, reduce stress, and promote emotional well being.  It starts []


Filed under [ Relationship ]


I am finally doing it!!  This Wednesday, August 10 @ 7pm EDT, I will host a webcast on emotional AWARENESS.  While its objective is to help people get the most out of using the AWARENESS app, I will focus greatly on how our brains work and what we can do to make them work better. []


Filed under [ Relationship ]

Empathic Civilization

Here is  link to a video which blew me away.  Aside from the fact that it is absolutely one of the most brilliant things I have seen in a long time, its message is mine verbatim:  We need to understand how we are wired and rewire ourselves so that we can have an “Empathic Civilization.” []



For those of you who are wondering how AWARENESS is doing, I am so happy to share that we have been getting some pretty profound testimonials from people using the app.  With that, we got some requests to get help on learning how to distinguish some of the feelings that are on the app.  There []



As some of you may have seen in the video I posted about empathy, our brains are wired to connect with each other and foster our interdependence.  This neurological phenomenon seems to fly in the face of all the power, control, territoriality, war, greed, anger, and competitiveness apparent in our world at large and even []


Emotional Neighborhood

We all have hundreds of emotions locked in our bodies’ memories from childhood.  They are generally rather painful and extremely uncomfortable.  The reason they are there is because when we felt hurt, fearful or misunderstood in some way, we usually didn’t have a constructive way to express or release them.  Our parents were either unaware []


Sex and Love Can Come together

Here is my latest Huffington Post article:   With sex all around us, oozing out of our televisions, theaters, magazines, fashion, on the streets, one would think we are the most sexually informed, open and comfortable nation on the planet. We manage to connect sex to just about anything we sell, buy, eat, smell, see, []


Filed under [ Relationship ]

Germs and Brains

Before the discovery of germs and bacteria, people believed that physical illnesses were caused by wrathful Gods, spirits entering their bodies, the evil eye and a variety of other fantastical interpretations. They then attempted to “cure” the illnesses in some pretty strange and sometimes barbaric ways, such as using bleeding cups to take blood from []