I don’t have time!

Time to revisit this very relevant and potentially quality of life changing topic. Hmmm, these words just tumble out of our mouths without any regard to what they mean.  You don’t have time? Really? Time is all you have! What you do with it and how you spend it is your choice, but all you []


Filed under [ Self ]

Beyond the questions… Into Action!

Ok, you really heeded the last blog; you asked yourself those critical questions and you got how waking up and operating from a conscious space can transform your life. Well, maybe you got it, but at this point you are back on automatic pilot and forgot it all. Would you please, right now, take a []


Filed under [ Relationship ]

Wake Up!

Awareness is the key! I will keep reminding you of this most important tool. The objectives of my blog are to EDUCATE, INSPIRE and AWAKEN you.   Because we operate predominantly from our Reactive, pre-programmed Selves, we are mostly unconscious or asleep in our day to day life.  Unless we wake up from the automation []


Are Your Beliefs or Thoughts Really Yours?

At an early age I recognized that the cacophony of voices I was hearing, both from within and outside of me, were at conflict with one another. I was receiving messages from my parents, my teachers, my friends, my neighbors, my siblings, the media and myself. Each communication came at me as if it was []


Filed under [ Self ]