The cost of reactivity to children

In past blogs I spoke about our Reactive and Creative Selves and our need to intercept the reactions and replace them with thoughtful responses.  There is no place that this intervention is more important than when we are dealing with our children.  Young children are greatly influenced by our verbal and non-verbal communication.  From a []


Filed under [ Self, Parenting ]

Self – Inner Directive

Once we truly learn to love ourselves, just because, then our inner voice will emerge to direct us toward our passion- our life’s purpose. Most people do not hear this little voice because it is blocked by their fears and insecurities.


Filed under [ Self, Videos ]

Spirituality – Core Self

When we truly connect with our Core Self – our inner directive, our creative force, our truth – we no longer fear death. Our only drive is to express and manifest that truth; Socrates, Gandhi, Martin Luther king.


Filed under [ Spirituality ]