I like your ponytail

“I like your ponytail.” I said in a playful manner.  “Ponytail?” he repeated in a thick French accent.  There and then began the most extraordinary odyssey of my life.  It was a warm spring Sunday afternoon, a perfect day to eat at an east village sidewalk restaurant.  My friend and I were savoring the delicious, []


Filed under [ Compassion ]

Germs and Brains

Before the discovery of germs and bacteria, people believed that physical illnesses were caused by wrathful Gods, spirits entering their bodies, the evil eye and a variety of other fantastical interpretations. They then attempted to “cure” the illnesses in some pretty strange and sometimes barbaric ways, such as using bleeding cups to take blood from []


Happy New Year!

May this coming year be a blessed one for each and every person on this planet. May it be free of pain and suffering for every living being. May kindness, compassion and love enter each one of us and spread like wild fire in our hearts. May every person find her/his true voice and share []


Spreading the message for unity

I am very excited to share with you that my article on transcending divisiveness has been published on Alternet.org. My basic message is that we must understand the way our early childhood programing affects our perceptions and gets us stuck in our egoic perspectives.  I provide suggestions as to what we need to do get []


Filed under [ Relationship, Compassion ]

Emotional Universe

I have been back for a few days, but chose not to blog since I felt a need to be quiet and process. As you may have read, a lot of stuff came up for me in this trip about the human condition, where we are, where we have been and where we may be []


From Vienna

As many of you know I am traveling in Europe for the next couple of weeks.  I meant to write a blog yesterday before I left, but clearly didn’t get to it.  Since I will be traveling, I will focus my blogs on my experiences and observations from the road.  I will probably not blog []


Filed under [ Relationship, Compassion ]

Ground-Zero Mosque- An opportunity for the Creative Self

As the disagreement around whether the Mosque should be built near Ground-Zero seems to be rising to a screeching hysteria, with each side absolutely believing it possesses the truth, it doesn’t seem like we are going to resolve this issue anytime soon. In the meantime, the animosity between the two sides is growing deeper, further []


Filed under [ Relationship, Compassion ]