
  1. Help them feel safe to speak openly and freely
  2. Hear each one in a way that s/he feels completely understood and “gotten” by me.
  3. Remove the blocks around their hearts by showing them how each has his/her own emotional subjective perspective, and give them the tools to hear and feel each other
  4. Build safety and trust between them by teaching them how to communicate with patience, care and compassion
  5. Engage them in practices which will support and build upon their sense of partnership and unity

Gratitude – Wayne Dyer

My last blog was dedicated to Ram Dass and the important role he played in my emotional/spiritual development.  His book How can I help? came into my life at the age of 31.   My first exposure to Wayne Dyer’s work also came in a book form, Your erroneous Zones, which I read in 1976.  That []


Filed under [ Relationship ]

Gratitude – Ram Dass

The AWARENESS iPhone app will be completely ready by tomorrow and will be submitted to Apple for approval on Monday. Our release date is now November 16th. It has been a long journey, one that has been supported by many dedicated people who stuck with the process in spite of many daunting moments.  I would []


Filed under [ Relationship ]

On Love

This evening I went to have dinner with my parents, as I have done on most Friday nights for the past three decades.  My mom is probably one of the greatest Yemenite cooks and having Shabbat dinner with her and my father is always a treat. Usually Leor, David, my brother and his son, Eric, []


The iPhone application AWARENESS

You ever notice how small things are always getting on your nerves? We walk around all day irritated about one thing or another, whether it’s someone getting in your way on the street, a maniac cutting you off in traffic, or a friend or family member saying or doing the wrong thing. There is a []



It has been a few days since I blogged and I just wanted to update you.  The next blog will complete the series on anger by addressing assertive expression.  The next feeling I will probably discuss is worry.  Why we worry? And what you can do to rid yourself of this rather useless emotion. The []


Filed under [ Relationship ]

From Budapest

We have been here for a couple of days, but today is the first day that I GOT how the pysche of the Hungarian people was so deeply affected by the Communist rule. We took a walking tour of the city, and unlike in Prague where we learned mostly about the German occupation and atrocities, []


Filed under [ Relationship ]

More from Prague

Today was a very emotional day as we spent the whole day walking through the Jewish Museum which includes the Jewish quarters and its major sites like the Old Cemetery, the Spanish Synagogue, Pinchas Synagogue and Frank Kafka’s home.  It doesn’t matter how much one knows about the holocaust or Jewish history in general, which []


Filed under [ Relationship ]

From Prague

There are no words to describe this place. All I want to do is gaze at the beauty of the architecture and the natural landscape and breathe. If there was any place that screams light and darkness, beauty and ugliness, the power of human creativity and destruction, this is it. I am awed by the []


Filed under [ Relationship ]

From Vienna

As many of you know I am traveling in Europe for the next couple of weeks.  I meant to write a blog yesterday before I left, but clearly didn’t get to it.  Since I will be traveling, I will focus my blogs on my experiences and observations from the road.  I will probably not blog []


Filed under [ Relationship, Compassion ]

Ground-Zero Mosque- An opportunity for the Creative Self

As the disagreement around whether the Mosque should be built near Ground-Zero seems to be rising to a screeching hysteria, with each side absolutely believing it possesses the truth, it doesn’t seem like we are going to resolve this issue anytime soon. In the meantime, the animosity between the two sides is growing deeper, further []


Filed under [ Relationship, Compassion ]