
  1. Awaken individuals to the reality that they are not living their lives as free adults who can choose to create their heart’s longing
  2. Inspire them to remove the emotional and psychological barriers to their heart so that they can discover its purpose
  3. Help them develop a plan to pursue their passion
  4. Engage them in a practice which will support them to stay on the path to become who they were born to be


It begins at the pit of the stomach, and then it spreads to the rest of the body.  There is a sense of restlessness, agitation, and an inability to concentrate.  At times, it would actually paralyze me.  I felt a strong desire to flee it somehow, a desire to stop the discomfort.  Yet it won’t leave me.  In the past []


Filed under [ Self ]

Divine Spark

“There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique, and if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium; and be lost. The world will not have it.”                Martha Graham You []


Filed under [ Self, Parenting ]

I don’t have time!

Time to revisit this very relevant and potentially quality of life changing topic. Hmmm, these words just tumble out of our mouths without any regard to what they mean.  You don’t have time? Really? Time is all you have! What you do with it and how you spend it is your choice, but all you []


Filed under [ Self ]

Reality Based Fear

I often discuss how our amygdala, the part of our brain that is responsible for the flight/fight/freeze reaction, is hyper sensitive and gets triggered when we are not facing actual threat in our daily lives.  When it does, it actually distorts our perceptions and causes us needless heartache.  However, when we are in danger, our amygdala can []


Filed under [ Self, Emotional Universe ]

Dear Kind Soul

I recently came across this letter I wrote many years ago and think this is a good time to share it. Dear Kind Soul, It was a striking, sunny, spring Sunday afternoon. The air was crisp and dry. A light wind was softly brushing by the sea of people milling about on the steps of []


Filed under [ Relationship, Self, Compassion ]

Pursuing your Purpose

Someone once told me that the definition of “coincidence” is God’s desire to remain anonymous.  It really resonated for me since there have been so many times in my life where chain of events were just too freaky to be viewed as mere coincidence.   It is happening again.  Ever since I declared that I []


Filed under [ Self, Parenting ]

Distinguishing between thoughts, feelings and sensations

We often find it difficult to distinguish between thoughts, feelings and sensations. When asked, “what do you feel?” the answer we come up with is usually a thought not a feeling. Additionally, we have a difficult time distinguishing physical sensations from emotional ones. Physical sensations include fatigue, nauseous, hunger, etc. We might say: “I’m feeling []


Free Will?

It is hard for us to believe that most of our behaviors have more to do with the way we are wired than with free choice. We generally live with a sense that we know what we are doing and why we are doing it. For most people, this is a false belief, stemming from []


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Filed under [ Self, Parenting ]

Which One of You is in Charge of Your Life?

How often do you find yourself in great conflict with two parts of yourself? The conflict may be about whether you should eat that chocolate cake, stay up or go to sleep early, turn off the TV and go pay the bills, keep your mouth shut and not answer your partner’s snide remark, or thousands []


Psychotherapy and Massage Therapy

When a muscle is stressed or hurt in some way, it spasms and contracts.  The reason it spasms is because it feels fragile and vulnerable, so it closes down and becomes hard to protect itself from further damage.  Often it stays in a spasm loop and when that occurs it becomes harder and harder. Over []


Filed under [ Self, Emotional Universe ]