
  1. Awaken individuals to the reality that they are not living their lives as free adults who can choose to create their heart’s longing
  2. Inspire them to remove the emotional and psychological barriers to their heart so that they can discover its purpose
  3. Help them develop a plan to pursue their passion
  4. Engage them in a practice which will support them to stay on the path to become who they were born to be

We are all One!

It all began innocently when I was four and a half years old.  We had just moved from our one room dilapidated apartment in south Tel Aviv to a new, larger apartment in the northern part of the city.  Full of excitement, having not seen my grandparents since our move, I got on the bus []


Filed under [ Relationship, Self, Compassion ]

The Grand Canyon Of Our Lives

as i approached the vast, spacious view of the grand canyon, i began to feel it- my heart stopped, my breathing slowed and my mind quieted– for an eternal moment, i disappeared into the Oneness of the Cosmos. merging into the river of Spirit, the river of creation, i became the source of it all. []


Filed under [ Self ]

Creating a spiritually inspired future

Is life good? In other words, is living a worthwhile experience? Does it have any value, meaning? Most people are not sure whether it is or not. Until you have a clear answer to this question, you cannot really create a spiritually inspired future for yourself or people around you. Choosing to affirm life, to []


Filed under [ Relationship, Self, Compassion ]

Wake Up!

Awareness is the key! I will keep reminding you of this most important tool. The objectives of my blog are to EDUCATE, INSPIRE and AWAKEN you.   Because we operate predominantly from our Reactive, pre-programmed Selves, we are mostly unconscious or asleep in our day to day life.  Unless we wake up from the automation []


Mirror Neurons

In a prior blog I discussed my fear of bees and how I overcame it when I realized that I was exposing my son, Leor, to my fear.  I developed this fear because I saw my sister’s terrified reaction to getting stung by a bee.   The curious thing is that I developed that fear vicariously []


Do You Think You Have Free Will?

Do you think you have free will? If you do, then why are you eating that cookie when you know you shouldn’t? Why are you staying in an unhappy marriage, enduring a boring job, tolerating a toxic friendship? Why do you continue to scream at your children in spite of promising yourself that you will []


Filed under [ Self ]

A Drop in the Ocean of Existence

Every human comes to this continuously evolving planet at a particular point and time in humanity’s history.   We are here for a brief moment and then we depart.  In the spectrum of the earth’s life, an individual’s life spans no longer than a blink of an eye.  Our tendency, however, is to get caught up []


Filed under [ Self ]

The cost of reactivity to children

In past blogs I spoke about our Reactive and Creative Selves and our need to intercept the reactions and replace them with thoughtful responses.  There is no place that this intervention is more important than when we are dealing with our children.  Young children are greatly influenced by our verbal and non-verbal communication.  From a []


Filed under [ Self, Parenting ]


I was asked to blog about our relationship to money. It’s probably one of the most challenging and angst-producing issues in our lives. Whether we are rich or poor, this issue is poorly understood and handled by most of us. The reason is that nobody teaches us how to relate to money. Instead, we learn []


Filed under [ Self, Parenting ]


How many times have you experienced the following scenario:  You are sitting with your loved one in a restaurant, on the couch in your home, or driving a car, and you are discussing something that seems benign and lighthearted.  Suddenly the discussion takes a turn and you find yourself in the middle of a heated []