It’s So Hard

I have been working on creating a new web page for our AWARENESS app.  In the process I am discovering that I still get contracted around doing something new in the tech world.  I have definitely rewired a lot in this area, but as I work with the designer or organizing the page, every cell []


Filed under [ Self, Parenting ]

Empathic Civilization

Here is  link to a video which blew me away.  Aside from the fact that it is absolutely one of the most brilliant things I have seen in a long time, its message is mine verbatim:  We need to understand how we are wired and rewire ourselves so that we can have an “Empathic Civilization.” []


The Mind that Changes the Brain

The idea that our minds can actually change the structure of our brains is mind-boggling, and would have been heresy a couple of decades ago.  Well, no more.  We now know that our day to day experiences have the capacity to restructure certain parts of our brains and generate new neural connections. This is an []


Filed under [ Self ]

What the heck are neurons anyway?

I have been wracking my brain for hours working on coming up with some interesting and fun way to describe what neurons are and how they work. The blocks I have been experiencing, in a way, actually are illustrative of how neurons work.  You see, my brain does not have pre-existing pathways to communicate to []


Filed under [ Self, Parenting ]