Free Will?

It is hard for us to believe that most of our behaviors have more to do with the way we are wired than with free choice. We generally live with a sense that we know what we are doing and why we are doing it. For most people, this is a false belief, stemming from []


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Filed under [ Self, Parenting ]

11 Basic Do’s and Don’ts for Raising Children

I. Listening vs. Lecturing Children, like most of us, don’t like to be lectured. When a child does something “wrong,” the last thing he wants is to hear his parents’ authoritative voice rambling about his mistake. Children will naturally shut out their parents when they are lecturing to them. A child will respond positively to []


Filed under [ Relationship, Compassion, Videos ]

The cost of reactivity to children

In past blogs I spoke about our Reactive and Creative Selves and our need to intercept the reactions and replace them with thoughtful responses.  There is no place that this intervention is more important than when we are dealing with our children.  Young children are greatly influenced by our verbal and non-verbal communication.  From a []


Filed under [ Self, Parenting ]

Family Dinners

NEW “Guilt-Tripping” Ad Campaign Asks Parents to Turn Off PDAs and Spend Time with Family Sans Technology A new campaign, ‘Offlining, Inc.’, an in-your-face campaign nudging us all to turn off our mobile devices and computers for a while in order to devote a little time to a good old face-to-face conversation or family dinner, []


Filed under [ Parenting ]

Worthy of Love

Feelings of “something is wrong with me” or “I am uniquely flawed,” are more common than we are led to believe or think. We are all the same and we are all worthy of love just because we are children of Spirit.


Filed under [ Self ]