It’s So Hard

I have been working on creating a new web page for our AWARENESS app.  In the process I am discovering that I still get contracted around doing something new in the tech world.  I have definitely rewired a lot in this area, but as I work with the designer or organizing the page, every cell []


Filed under [ Self, Parenting ]

Living In the Miraculous

I want to share a couple of  human interest stories I heard and saw on video to give you an idea of how revolutionary neuroscience is becoming and the impact it is already having in people’s lives.  One of the most moving stories describes a 54 yr old eye surgeon who sustained a massive stroke []


Filed under [ Self, Parenting ]

Spirituality – Role Models

Spiritual teachers serve us in two significant ways: they awaken us to our higher selves, and stretch us by role modeling love and courage; e.g. Mandela in jail for 27yrs.


Filed under [ Spirituality ]