Distinguishing between thoughts, feelings and sensations

We often find it difficult to distinguish between thoughts, feelings and sensations. When asked, “what do you feel?” the answer we come up with is usually a thought not a feeling. Additionally, we have a difficult time distinguishing physical sensations from emotional ones. Physical sensations include fatigue, nauseous, hunger, etc. We might say: “I’m feeling []


Beyond the questions… Into Action!

Ok, you really heeded the last blog; you asked yourself those critical questions and you got how waking up and operating from a conscious space can transform your life. Well, maybe you got it, but at this point you are back on automatic pilot and forgot it all. Would you please, right now, take a []


Filed under [ Relationship ]

Questions for you?

Pssst … you … yes, you! I have a question to ask you. How does reading this blog affect you? I have been asking this question to several of my readers.  Some of you have been enjoying them, some have been moved by them and others have found them interesting.  I would like to speak []


Filed under [ Self, Parenting ]