I already know this stuff

I just got back from a wonderful trip visiting with my cousins in Myrtle Beach, SC. Aside from just enjoying spending time with them and getting to know them (we had been out of communication for many years), I loved the way they embraced much of this material. What was particularly remarkable was watching my []


Filed under [ Self, Parenting ]

Spirituality – Role Models

Spiritual teachers serve us in two significant ways: they awaken us to our higher selves, and stretch us by role modeling love and courage; e.g. Mandela in jail for 27yrs.


Filed under [ Spirituality ]

Spirituality – Core Self

When we truly connect with our Core Self – our inner directive, our creative force, our truth – we no longer fear death. Our only drive is to express and manifest that truth; Socrates, Gandhi, Martin Luther king.


Filed under [ Spirituality ]