Being With What IS – Part II

Another chord struck, so it seems appropriate to expand upon this blog topic. I did not mean to imply that it is easy being with what IS. Yes there are times, like when you can’t find the right shoes or a parking spot, that we can let things flow better, depending on our mood. But []


Filed under [ Relationship ]

Being With What IS

The conversation this week seems to be moving toward being with what IS.  We often set up expectations or have a vision of how things should be and then the universe does its thing.  I always loved the Yiddish quote, “Man plans, God laughs.” This weekend the joke was on me as I had to []



As some of you may have seen in the video I posted about empathy, our brains are wired to connect with each other and foster our interdependence.  This neurological phenomenon seems to fly in the face of all the power, control, territoriality, war, greed, anger, and competitiveness apparent in our world at large and even []


Spirituality – Core Self

When we truly connect with our Core Self – our inner directive, our creative force, our truth – we no longer fear death. Our only drive is to express and manifest that truth; Socrates, Gandhi, Martin Luther king.


Filed under [ Spirituality ]