
For those of you who are wondering how AWARENESS is doing, I am so happy to share that we have been getting some pretty profound testimonials from people using the app.  With that, we got some requests to get help on learning how to distinguish some of the feelings that are on the app.  There are approximately 115 feelings that fall under nine mood categories, including anger, fear, sad, etc.

Given that I have written a lot about different feelings in this blog and have put them all under the Emotional Universe page, I thought it may be helpful to expand upon other more feelings.  Today’s feeling is disappointment.    Most of us are very familiar with this feeling which is usually followed by a failure of some expectation to manifest.  I recently experienced this feeling when I expected Best Buy would deliver a present to a friend on the date they promised (two days ago) and not only was it not delivered, but they don’t even know where the heck it is (Do you sense my disappointment?).  So what does this feeling feel like?  It is kind of like a heavy sensation in your heart. Anger or sadness may accompany it.  Feelings of disbelief or denial are also common. In really severe instances like a serious break in trust between partners or friends, rage or depression may set in.  The reality is that disappointment is an inevitable reality in life.

So what can you do when you find yourself disappointed?  The most important thing you need to remember is that it is up to you choose how you respond.  You want to recognize that people are fallible and they generally do not mean to disappoint or hurt you.  It is alright to have the initial feelings of disappointment, but after a while, you need to let it go and not harp on the “injustice” that was done to you.  You need to understand where the breakdown occurred and move on.  It will also be a good opportunity to reflect on what you can and cannot expect from various people or situations in your life.  At the end of the day, life shows up the way it shows up and our responsibility is to flow with it and be with what IS; it builds resilience and adaptation.

The following is one of the quotes from the AWARENESS app when you record feeling disappointed:

The difficulties of life are intended to make us feel better not bitter. — Author unknown


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