
Filed under [ Relationship ]

As many of you know, I have stopped seeing private clients (well almost all of them:-) and have been devoting my time to systematizing and packaging much of my knowledge with the intention of reaching a much larger community.

Yesterday, on Leap Day, my partner, Helen Kramer and I launched our leapforward.us community website.  It was a soft launch announcing what is about to come. This site will create a safe, supportive and collaborative space where people who seek to evolve into a more conscious, caring and creative individuals will find the tools and community they need to succeed.  Those of you who know my work will be pleased to know that Helen’s work is miraculously identical to mine, which means we now have double the power to transform people.

Our Charter:

  1. We, humans, are doing the best that we can with the tools we currently have.  We are not bad or wrong; we are simply in the process of evolving.
  2. In order for us to evolve to our higher selves, we must understand the nature of our brains and the role they play in maintaining the harmful feelings, thoughts and behaviors apparent in our lives.
  3. We need new tools that will help us rewire our harmful feelings, thoughts and actions into healthy, caring ones.
  4. We recognize that the most efficient way for us to transform successfully and expediently is to work together.
  5. We are committed to holding each other and ourselves accountable to consistently using these new tools in our lives, even when we don’t feel like it.
  6. We know that with consistent use, over time, we will become a more compassionate, caring, creative and connected humankind.

I invite you to visit our site and join our community.  I promise you unimaginable freedom and peace.





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