
As some of you may have seen in the video I posted about empathy, our brains are wired to connect with each other and foster our interdependence.  This neurological phenomenon seems to fly in the face of all the power, control, territoriality, war, greed, anger, and competitiveness apparent in our world at large and even []


Emotional Neighborhood

We all have hundreds of emotions locked in our bodies’ memories from childhood.  They are generally rather painful and extremely uncomfortable.  The reason they are there is because when we felt hurt, fearful or misunderstood in some way, we usually didn’t have a constructive way to express or release them.  Our parents were either unaware []


The Ultimate New Year’s Resolution: Master Your Feelings

My latest HuffPost Blog Happy New Year! It’s that time of the year where many people want to start anew. There is a feeling of optimism and much discussion about how to stick to New Year’s resolutions this year. I suggest that there is one resolution you can make that will determine your success with []


Transcending Fear

It was a sunny, warm Sunday afternoon in NYC. The brightness of the day belied the dark heaviness I was feeling as I walked dazed into the store. There was a surreal quality around me. I couldn’t believe I was actually going through it. I intentionally chose Saks on Fifth Avenue because I wanted the []


Filed under [ Self, Emotional Universe ]

On Love – continued

Have you reflected on what is your idea of love as I requested in my On Love blog? It’s remarkable how we bandy this word around, but in many ways most of us are struggling to define it and find it. For me the experience of love came crushing down the second I laid eyes []


On Love

This evening I went to have dinner with my parents, as I have done on most Friday nights for the past three decades.  My mom is probably one of the greatest Yemenite cooks and having Shabbat dinner with her and my father is always a treat. Usually Leor, David, my brother and his son, Eric, []


The iPhone application AWARENESS

You ever notice how small things are always getting on your nerves? We walk around all day irritated about one thing or another, whether it’s someone getting in your way on the street, a maniac cutting you off in traffic, or a friend or family member saying or doing the wrong thing. There is a []


Emotional Universe

I have been back for a few days, but chose not to blog since I felt a need to be quiet and process. As you may have read, a lot of stuff came up for me in this trip about the human condition, where we are, where we have been and where we may be []


Reactive vs Creative Selves – revisited

Following on yesterday’s post on the two types of Knowing: intellectual and heart, I thought it would be a good idea to review these concepts in the spirit of bringing them closer to your hearts. The following questions are posed to aid you in getting a better appreciation of your knowledge of these concepts. The []