
  1. Help them feel safe to speak openly and freely
  2. Hear each one in a way that s/he feels completely understood and “gotten” by me.
  3. Remove the blocks around their hearts by showing them how each has his/her own emotional subjective perspective, and give them the tools to hear and feel each other
  4. Build safety and trust between them by teaching them how to communicate with patience, care and compassion
  5. Engage them in practices which will support and build upon their sense of partnership and unity

Transforming Passive Anger

In prior blogs I have discussed two of the faces of anger.  Today I will cover the third one, passive anger.  People who express their anger passively usually direct it toward themselves.  They tend to blame themselves when things don’t go right or when they are in conflict with others.  They think very poorly of []


As you know I am all about helping people connect to their feelings and showing how they affect their thoughts and actions. I have written many blogs about emotions, including emotional neighborhood, as well as developed AWARENESS, a mobile app that reminds you to connect with your feelings several times a day. As part of []


Filed under [ Relationship ]


As many of you know, I have stopped seeing private clients (well almost all of them:-) and have been devoting my time to systematizing and packaging much of my knowledge with the intention of reaching a much larger community. Yesterday, on Leap Day, my partner, Helen Kramer and I launched our community website.  It []


Filed under [ Relationship ]

Harnessing and Transforming Passive Aggressive Anger

Continuing with the discussion on anger, expression of passive-aggressive anger is probably the most difficult to harness and transform because it is the most elusive.  Individuals who express their anger with this style have a difficult time getting in touch with their anger and releasing it in any overt way.  Consequently, it is very challenging []


Three faces of Anger

“Holding onto anger is like grasping onto a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else.  You are the one who gets burned.” — Buddha The next several blogs are going to focus on the Emotional Universe.  My intention is to familiarize you with the emotional neighborhood that resides within you so []


Love -Ahh What is it?

I was reflecting on the celebration of Valentine’s day and I was struck by how strange a concept it is: putting aside one day a year to celebrate love.  Where is love the other 364 days of the year?  OK, I can hear many of you bemoan that it is just a contrived celebration created []


Filed under [ Relationship, Self ]

My Skydiving Experience

As some of you already know from reading my Taking a Leap into 2012 blog, I jumped out of a plane a couple of weeks ago while I was vacationing in Kauai.  I wanted to share the experience in more detail with you because if you could feel all that was going on inside of me, []


Filed under [ Relationship ]

The Mind – What is it?

Have you ever stopped to think about the nature of your mind?  Did you come up with an answer?  Probably not.  Well you are not alone according to Dr Dan Siegel.  He reportedly interviewed thousands of scientists, therapists and other mental health professionals and none could come up with a definition. This is what he []


Filed under [ Relationship, Self ]

Happy Ours

In keeping with the many requests I have received to share my transformational work more broadly, I am starting a bi-mothly gathering, Happy Ours.  If you are in town and would like to join us, here is the invite: Happy Ours is a fantastic, transformational two hour after-work gathering. It is an evening of having []


Filed under [ Relationship, Self, Compassion ]

Taking a Leap Into 2012

Aloha everyone! As many of you know I am in Hawaii – in paradise.  Being in the presence of these magnificent islands brings home how magical and miraculous nature is.  I will get into the trip and share some pictures in a future blog.  Right now I want to reflect on how magical and miraculous []


Filed under [ Relationship ]