
  1. Awaken individuals to the reality that they are not living their lives as free adults who can choose to create their heart’s longing
  2. Inspire them to remove the emotional and psychological barriers to their heart so that they can discover its purpose
  3. Help them develop a plan to pursue their passion
  4. Engage them in a practice which will support them to stay on the path to become who they were born to be

You Are Not Uniquely Disturbed

Did you ever wish you were inside somebody else’s head? Of course you did. If you stop to think about it right now, you could probably come up with several individuals whose minds you wish you could read. If you are interviewing for a job, you probably would love to know what they think of []


The Mind – What is it?

Have you ever stopped to think about the nature of your mind?  Did you come up with an answer?  Probably not.  Well you are not alone according to Dr Dan Siegel.  He reportedly interviewed thousands of scientists, therapists and other mental health professionals and none could come up with a definition. This is what he []


Filed under [ Relationship, Self ]

Happy Ours

In keeping with the many requests I have received to share my transformational work more broadly, I am starting a bi-mothly gathering, Happy Ours.  If you are in town and would like to join us, here is the invite: Happy Ours is a fantastic, transformational two hour after-work gathering. It is an evening of having []


Filed under [ Relationship, Self, Compassion ]

Confronting Our Fears

Easier said than done.  The feeling of fear can be and often is so uncomfortable, it runs havoc in our lives.  It can prevent us from pursuing our goals, speaking our minds and taking charge of our lives.  Have you ever stopped to reflect on the role fear plays in your life?  What is it? []


It’s So Hard

I have been working on creating a new web page for our AWARENESS app.  In the process I am discovering that I still get contracted around doing something new in the tech world.  I have definitely rewired a lot in this area, but as I work with the designer or organizing the page, every cell []


Filed under [ Self, Parenting ]

The Beauty of Life and Death

“…and the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom…” Anais Nin Darkness and light; destruction and creation; constriction and expansion; death and birth. It is so hard for us humans to be fully present to and accept the cycles of life. []


Filed under [ Self ]

Living In the Miraculous

I want to share a couple of  human interest stories I heard and saw on video to give you an idea of how revolutionary neuroscience is becoming and the impact it is already having in people’s lives.  One of the most moving stories describes a 54 yr old eye surgeon who sustained a massive stroke []


Filed under [ Self, Parenting ]

Managing Time

Our relationship with time is not much better than our relationship with money. While I have already addressed this issue in a prior blog, in this one I would like to give you some ideas for managing your time. So much of our day is spent rushing from one activity to another, with little or []


Filed under [ Self ]

Being With What IS

The conversation this week seems to be moving toward being with what IS.  We often set up expectations or have a vision of how things should be and then the universe does its thing.  I always loved the Yiddish quote, “Man plans, God laughs.” This weekend the joke was on me as I had to []


Are Your Beliefs or Thoughts Really Yours?

At an early age I recognized that the cacophony of voices I was hearing, both from within and outside of me, were at conflict with one another. I was receiving messages from my parents, my teachers, my friends, my neighbors, my siblings, the media and myself. Each communication came at me as if it was []


Filed under [ Self ]