
  1. Awaken individuals to the reality that they are not living their lives as free adults who can choose to create their heart’s longing
  2. Inspire them to remove the emotional and psychological barriers to their heart so that they can discover its purpose
  3. Help them develop a plan to pursue their passion
  4. Engage them in a practice which will support them to stay on the path to become who they were born to be

Life can be magical

Psssst, you, yes you, come here.  I have something important to tell you.  WAKE UP! Stop everything you are doing and listen.  Not to me, to yourself.  Don’t pretend you don’t know what I am talking about.  How many times have you ignored that little voice in yourself?  You know, that voice that keeps harping []


Filed under [ Self ]

Walk right into your fears

It was a sunny, warm Sunday afternoon in NYC. The brightness of the day belied the dark heaviness I was feeling as I walked into the store dazed. There was a surreal quality around me. I couldn’t believe I was actually going through it. I intentionally chose Saks on Fifth Avenue because I wanted the []


Filed under [ Self, Emotional Universe ]

Questions for you?

Pssst … you … yes, you! I have a question to ask you. How does reading this blog affect you? I have been asking this question to several of my readers.  Some of you have been enjoying them, some have been moved by them and others have found them interesting.  I would like to speak []


Filed under [ Self, Parenting ]

Empathic Civilization

Here is  link to a video which blew me away.  Aside from the fact that it is absolutely one of the most brilliant things I have seen in a long time, its message is mine verbatim:  We need to understand how we are wired and rewire ourselves so that we can have an “Empathic Civilization.” []



For those of you who are wondering how AWARENESS is doing, I am so happy to share that we have been getting some pretty profound testimonials from people using the app.  With that, we got some requests to get help on learning how to distinguish some of the feelings that are on the app.  There []



As some of you may have seen in the video I posted about empathy, our brains are wired to connect with each other and foster our interdependence.  This neurological phenomenon seems to fly in the face of all the power, control, territoriality, war, greed, anger, and competitiveness apparent in our world at large and even []


Emotional Neighborhood

We all have hundreds of emotions locked in our bodies’ memories from childhood.  They are generally rather painful and extremely uncomfortable.  The reason they are there is because when we felt hurt, fearful or misunderstood in some way, we usually didn’t have a constructive way to express or release them.  Our parents were either unaware []


Loving Yourself on Valentine’s Day

[youtube]nB7VdvH0LXw[/youtube] What does it mean to love yourself? You know what it feels like to love another, but do you experience that sensation for yourself? Learn how, and teach your children.


Filed under [ Relationship, Self, Self ]

Unplug & Recharge – Are You Living in a Techno-Daze?

Sharing my latest HuffPost Blog: Last week my friend “Julie” and I finally went out to dinner. I had not seen her for a couple of months and we were particularly excited to have a chance to spend some quality time together. No sooner did we sit down at our table than out came her []


Filed under [ Relationship, Self ]

The Ultimate New Year’s Resolution: Master Your Feelings

My latest HuffPost Blog Happy New Year! It’s that time of the year where many people want to start anew. There is a feeling of optimism and much discussion about how to stick to New Year’s resolutions this year. I suggest that there is one resolution you can make that will determine your success with []